Call for paper & Submission

Pre peer review paper:

Special Issue of Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JMCWM) on Recent Advances in Sludge Management

We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript for Pre-Conference Special Issue of Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JMCWM) on Recent Advances in Sludge Management.

This special issue covers a wide range of recent advances in sludge management, including topics from this international conference.

JMCWM specializes in the interdisciplinary science of material cycles and waste management.

The journal has a twofold focus: research in technical, political, and environmental problems of material cycles and waste management; and information that contributes to the development of an interdisciplinary science of material cycles and waste management.

All manuscripts for the Special Issue of JMCWM on Recent Advances in Sludge Management will be subject to follow standard rules and review process for peer reviewed papers; including the review of each manuscript by at least two international experts. The deadline for paper submission is December 31, 2024 with no extensions. The accepted papers will be published on September, 2025.

There will be no page charge for the Special Issue of JMCWM on Recent Advances in Sludge Management. Color illustrations will be accepted; however the author will be expected to make a contribution to the extra cost.

Instruction for Authors is available at JMCWM site on Springer Link. You find the other information for submitting and publication.

Please submit your paper by Dec. 31, 2024 via the editorial manager of JMCWM at

Please select “Special Feature: Original Article” or “Special Feature: Note” on this site. Your desire to submit the paper for the Special Issue of the 19th IWA conference on Sludge Management should be mentioned in the Author Comments space.

If the paper is accepted, the author has to present the work at the 19th IWA conference on Sludge Management

Regular paper (short and long)

Regular papers are available short and long. Long papers should be selected if you wish to have your paper peer-reviewed in IWA's Water Science and Technology journal after the international conference. Abstracts are the same.

The template for the abstract

The template for the abstract can be found here (doc, 156 kB).

Please convert to PDF file and name the file IWAsludge “Your last name” e.g. IWAsludge_Davidsson.pdf.

The abstract submission system will open as soon as it is ready.

Those who wish to submit a paper are required to submit the abstract by Apr 1st, 2025.

Please follow the instructions for the submission of Abstracts.

If your manuscript has been accepted as a pre-peer review paper by JMCWM, you do not need to submit abstracts from this system.

Instructions for the submission of Abstracts.

An abstract in English should be submitted no later than April 1st, 2025.

The submitted abstract will be subject to peer review for originality, technical content, objectivity, and absence of commercialism.

Notification of acceptance will be delivered on June 15, 2025. The author(s) whose abstracts are accepted must submit the full-length paper, either for oral or poster presentation, by Aug. 15, 2025. Those authors who fail to meet all of the announced deadlines and requirements will not be allowed to present their papers at the conference and the papers will not be included in the conference proceedings. Authors wishing to submit an abstract should read the following instructions carefully and send it by the online submission system at this site (under preparation).

The abstract should be less than 2 pages (in MS word), spaced at 1.5 lines, mostly typed in Times New Roman 12 point, and in English, and should include:

Only contributions complying with these specifications will be considered for peer review.


The 19th IWA conference on Sludge Management will cover both fundamental and applied topics including:

A: Sludge thickening, digestion, conditioning, dewatering, drying, composting and thermal treatment.
B: Recycling and resource recovery.
C: Emerging contaminants in sludge.
D: Industrial sludge management & fecal sludge management.
E: Energy recovery and greenhouse gas emission.
F: Lifecycle analysis of sludge management system.
G: Land application.
H: New policy and legal framework of sludge management.
I: Other related topic.
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